BIO207H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dihybrid Cross, Earlobe, Lethal Allele

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27 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Bio207 winter 2013 term test 1 (/45 marks) Ta"s name:_________________________________________ tutorial section #:___________________: enter your name, student number, ta"s name, and tutorial section # above. Part a: multiple choice (1 mark per question) Clearly circle the single most correct answer directly on the test paper: mendel performed many types of crosses, including those in which the same genotypes are crossed but the sexes of the parents are switched. These are known as: replicate crosses, reciprocal crosses, test crosses, monohybrid crosses, dihybrid crosses, humans have a gene, e, that is involved in earlobe attachment. Individuals with the one allele have un-attached earlobes, while individuals with the other allele have attached earlobes. This type of leaky mutation is classified as: amorphic, hypomorphic, hypermorphic, neomorphic, dominant negative. What is the probability that they would have six boys: 1/2, 1/4, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, in peas, axial (a) flower position is dominant to terminal (a), and tall (l) is dominant to short (l).