BIO206H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Louisiana Highway 13, Caat Box, Ribosomal Rna

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Binding sites for mediator: after transcription and before. Enhancers - distal control complexes such as: processing what are attached on 5" elements. Utr and 3" utr of ss hnrna? to enhancer elements. Repressor proteins binding to silencer elements: another name for sshnrna in, distal promoter. Gc and caat boxes transcription: proximal / core promoter. Bre, tata box, inr, dpe: rna pol i: rnas synthesized. Oh 3" (these are already part of the nucleotides) 80: caat box: consensus sequence gcycaatct, caat box: transcription. 35: rna pol ii: rnas synthesized mrnas, most small nuclear rnas (snrnas and snornas), most micrornas, and telomerase rna, rna pol iii: rnas synthesized small rnas, including trnas, 5s rrna, and. Gtfs: help position eukaryotic rna polymerase correctly at the promoter, aid in pulling apart the two strands of. Dna to allow transcription to begin: aid in releasing rna polymerase from the promoter to start its elongation mode, bre: consensus sequence.