BIO206H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hazel Mccallion, Inclinometer, Transect

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7 Apr 2015

Document Summary

During this field placement, we were taken to the utm forest where we had to calculate the obstruction profile for every tree that we came across on a three by sixty meter area. The purpose of this field work is to determine the average diameter of the trees along a certain transect. The utm forest east of the hazel mccallion academic learning center is a fairly dense forest with mostly tall vegetation and specifically the path that my group was assigned to, all the trees happen to be deciduous trees. During this field activity, to make the task much easier, as a group, we divided the undertaking to cover more ground faster. One student was in charge of finding the diameter of each tree along our designated path. Another student in our group was in charge of laying the measuring tape while someone else measured the distance.