BIO202H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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Study of how structures and functions of the body work together to allow behavioural responses to the environment. Studies animal models for human diseases: agricultural production of animals for food, what is a model organism, not only for human diseases, can also be used for a biological process i. e. squid. So if you want to study about neurophysiology, you would choose a squid because of its neurons to study its function: mice are most commonly used in application to humans in many clinical trials. It is mostly the physiology that is studied. What kind of challenges do animals living in terrestrial environments share: dry all the time, must face and overcome dehydration, more light. Note: every environment has advantages and disadvantages and its not only that, but it is the effect of that specific environment on the type of animals that live there.