BIO153H5 Final: ch.32 exam review

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27 Feb 2016

Document Summary

In most cases, animals ingest their food by eating other living organisms or by eating nonliving organic material (but instead of absorbing it like fungi, they just ingest it and use enzymes to digest) Animals lack a cell wall, instead a variety of proteins external to the cell membrane provide structural support & connect them to one another. Animals have 2 types of specialized cells: muscle and nerve cells. When organized, these cells are called tissues : group of cells that have a common structure and/or function. When the zygote forms after fertilization, it undergoes cleavage : a succession of mitotic cell divisions without cell growth between the division. After an eight cell embryo is formed due to cleavage, the blastula is formed (a hollow ball) Following the blastula is gastrulation : layers of embryonic tissues that will develop into body parts are produced --> leads to the formation of the gastrula.