BIO153H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Agnatha, Knuckle-Walking, Phalanx Bone

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1 Dec 2016

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Do not have a membrane bound nucleus or organelles. Tend to be extremophiles (thermophiles, halophiles, acidophiles, methanogens) Gram-positive = stained purple, have a thick outer layer of peptidoglycan, are more susceptible to antibiotics. Gram-negative = stained pink, have a thick lipid bilayer, are selectively permeable to. Anabaena freshwater & filamentous, capable of nitrogen fixation, produces a neurotoxin, affects water quality. Are referred to by what eukaryotic kingdom they are most similar to. Diatoms diploid unicellular protists with silica-based cell walls (frustules), usually reproduce asexually. Euglena unicellular alga, can undergo photosynthesis or capture its own food, each cell is lined with a pellicle (non-rigid cell wall), has two flagella (one long, one short), and a dark eyespot for light detection. Animal-like protists: found mostly in freshwater/marine environments, are heterotrophs. Amoeba large single-celled protist, moves by cell-crawling with pseudopodia, food vacuoles contain engulfed food, contractile vacuoles expel excess water.