ANT214H5 Midterm: ANT214 Midterm 1 - Link Notes

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26 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Vitamins are building blocks that keep body running and functioning. Vitamins a, b, c, d, e, k. Help build muscle, bone, use nutrients, capture and use energy and heal wounds. Without access to vitamin rich produce, sailors got scurvy and treated with vitamin c. Bacteria, fungi, and plants make own vitamins but humans do not so we must obtain from other sources. Can be dissolves in fat - these go through the stomach and intestine where the bile breaks it down and can absorb through intestinal wall. These cannot move easily through blood because not water soluble so proteins used to move them. These vitamins are packed in liver and fat cells and stored until needed to they are well stocked and shouldn"t be taken in large doses bones and improve vision. Vitamin a - helps make white blood cells for immune system, shapes. Vitamin d - gathers calcium and potassium to make bones.