SOC 2112 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dialectic, Double Consciousness, The Second Sex

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Consciousness, which is develops/evolved through struggle/ conflict. Two movements in the dialectic of self-consciousness. 1: the moment when the self and the other" come together, which makes self-consciousness/recognition possible. 2: the moment of difference arising when one is conscious of the. One person is the master the other is the salve. Master becomes conscious of self only virtue of the presence of an other. The mast has power over the thing because he is the one who decides what the thing is. Awareness of racism but also his double consciousness comes into play. Black people live in a white society but yet they perceive it as a different because they are black otherwise considered the outsider. Disjuncture between one"s experience of self and looking at oneself through the eyes of others. Goal of dubois- to merge his double self/consciousness into a truer self and provides a synthesis.