SOC2103- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 149 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

History of qc illiteracy because of rural life; first infant and child day care (for poor) School focus changes; social & emotional development > intellectual development > labour market + consumerist role. School fulfills family roles: social integration, economic participation, gender roles, potential integration into faith institution & learning religion (rational world), separation from parents. Child care centers and daycare > no national program in can. Working mothers = new childcare options i. e. father, daycare, relatives (less $) Quality child care (may depend on salary): healthy food, ratio, adult interaction, toys, learning, activities. Effects of childcare on kids: may be more aggressive, cognition. & language problems, social/emotional problems (if care quality isn"t high), peers affect. Children from disadvantaged home enviro benefit more; childcare is good if high quality and shouldn"t be too many hours/day. Benefits of head start program b/c teachers expect more,