[SOC2103] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 17 pages long Study Guide!

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No theory alone explains family life in its entirety. Functions: child socialization, stabilization of adult personalities, emotional support; housing, clothing. Each family is like a miniature society because it supports different functions. Things need to function in society and equal-liberalism. The family structure exists because it serves a function in society. If a certain unit doesn"t fulfill a function it will cease to exist. Families operate best when women possess expressive roles and the men express instrumental roles (bread winner) Once the war started women"s function was not only inside the home but they were needed in the workforce as well. Manifest function: the intended consequence of the family; example the parents teaching lessons effects the child"s personality. Latent functions: the unintended consequence; the child sees violence in the home, this is what connected to your family by daily routine (very important to have this secure connection, increases self-worth).