[SOC1101] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (67 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Power is the care of all social relationships; scarce and unequally divided members of the society. Dialectics: a way of seeing history and society as the result of oppositions, contradictions and tensions from which social change can emerge (hegel). Idealism: human mind and consciousness are more important in understanding the human condition than is the material world. Human consciousness and human interaction with the material world could change society. Dynamic relationship between the material and social elements of society. Base: material and economic foundation for society includes the forces and relations of production. Superstructure: all of the things that society values and aspires to once its material needs are met. 2 concepts: proletariat (the workers) and bourgeoisie (rich owners) Alienation: the process by which workers are disconnected from what they produce. Exploitation: the difference between what workers are paid and the wealth they create for the owners.