[PSY3123] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (77 pages long!)

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In a personal definition, sometimes a close friend can be considered family or disowning your child means they are personally not legally not a part of your family. Intentional families: two or more individuals not related by blood or marriage who call themselves a family and may share: A common lifestyle i. e. russia post wwii. Families are part of vast social network (ie. neighbours, school) Societal expectations of a family and its behaviour, what they are supposed to do. Theories: structural functionalism: a macro perspective which views the family as an institution. There are five fundamental functions of a family which roles are divided based on gender: Reproduction, socialization, social placement (ses), economic support, emotional. This theory has contributed throughout expanding the concepts of status (ie. mother ), roles (ie. concepts of status (ie. mother ), roles (ie. the roles associated with the mother), and role- taking (taking the role of another person).