PSY 3123 Midterm: PSY3123 Midterm #1 Notes

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Definitions can vary by society and time, they are often arbitrary and could change in the future. Household: living in the same place or dwelling, varies based on culture and ethnicity. Communal living: a group of people who may or may not be related by birth or marriage, sharing financial resources and living arrangements. Much more common in other cultures (ie. asia), could be a cult or sorority. Legal family definitions: used to enforce benefits, rights, etc. Statistics canada: ( census family ) the way the government defines a family impacts what kind of benefits you will get. Correctional service canada: who can visit, defined by who is important to the individual provided it is not another inmate. Air canada: if someone is dying they are allowed to fly immediately, pretty broad definition to include in-laws and immediate family. Vanier institute of the family: two or more people bound together by consent, birth, or adoption.