PSY 2301 Study Guide - Temporal Lobe, Frontal Lobe, Suicidal Ideation

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Positive symptoms are basically symptoms that are not seen in the normal population. By this we mean that they do not occur in those that have normal functioning. In schizophrenia these symptoms are: delusions e. g. they feel like they are being watched, persistent hallucinations- seeing or hearing things that are not there. E. g. hearing voices: disordered thoughts, incoherence, inability to make normal associations between items etc. These are symptoms that are seen in the normal population that is absent in for example schizophrenia patients. These are: blunt affect, loss of pleasure, loss of energy, difficult to converse, social withdrawal. The brocha"s area transfers outputs (autogenerated) to the wernicke"s area which normally receives speech inputs from the outside. Cognitive impairments in schizophrenia: difficultly with attention and concentration, memory impairments, difficulty making decisions, difficulty planning ahead. So episodic memory is the capacity to acquire information about personal events with their spatial and temporal context.