PSY 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis, Classical Conditioning, Habituation

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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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Visual association cortex: first level (movement, information from eyes, orientation, color, second level. Parietal (movement and location) temporal (three dimensional form perception) Gestalt laws: proximity, similarity, continuity, closure. Depth and distance perception: binocular cues convergence (inward of eyes, focus on a nearby object) retinal disparity (slight difference of objects seen by the left and right eye, monocular cues. Pictorial cues retinal image (relative size) linear perspective (context) texture gradient interposition (objects that block other objects tend to appear closer) Models of pattern perception: templates, prototypes, distinctive features, bottom up (sensory) / top down processing (perception) Measuring sleep: hypothalamus (scn, increase or decrease of melatonin, electrodes measure (eye movement, emg measures (muscle tension, eeg measures (brain waves, polygraph measures all of these. As unconscious wishes (freud: manifest content, latent content. Effects of drugs; adhered to ascending neuron, keeping more cocaine in the synaptic cleft. Block to receiving neuron if you want less drug, block sending if you want more.