PSY 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Circadian Rhythm, Retina, Melatonin

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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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Cortical cells respond to lines in specific orientations (eg horizontal) or other shapes (eg faces) Feature detectors: cells in visual cortex, sensitive to specific features of environment. If kitten deprived of normal visual experience during critical point in life (0-6 months), circuitry of neurons in visual cortex irreversibly altered. Abnormally low level of neurons reacting in eye that was shut, abnormally high in other eye. Ocular dominance columns of open eye grew larger, those for eye that was closed had shrunk. Primary visual cortex visual scene broken down, information analysed in terms of orientation, thickness, colour, movement. Second level of association cortex: parietal lobe perception of location & movement (movement and info. from both eyes, temporal lobe 3d form perception ( orientation & widths of lines and colour) Achromatopsia: non progressive, hereditary; decreased vision, light sensitivity, no colour vision. Temporal lobe: what? can"t recognize images of objects (visual agnosia)