PHI 2396 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Surrogacy, Abrahamic Religions, Louise Brown

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Virtue theory: virtue is difficult (cid:862)it is possi(cid:271)le to fail i(cid:374) (cid:373)a(cid:374)(cid:455) (cid:449)a(cid:455)s(cid:863), character is the cornerstone of the virtuous person, practice influences and formats mental capacity and tolerance. Insurance against weakness of the will: moderation: accomplishing the right action at the right time in the right way. Inspiration from biology/medicine: health is the homeostatic condition, happiness, the mental equivalent of physical balance, is premissed on mind/body balance and temperate behaviour. Historical associations: men, women rational, spiritual, right (handed! ), objective, universal, public, detached, just: emotional, bodily, left (0ver! Conclusions: enlightenment of ideal of science as objective conflicts with the subjective nature of human needs, psychological health is a balance of subjective forces such as relationships, personal narrative, associations, desires, etc. But physical health is a product of objective neutral causal processes, which can be examined clinically: belmont gave patients a much needed voice but did not address the relationship aspects of the clinical setting.