[HSS2342] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (26 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Nutrition: the science of foods & the nutrients they contain, and of their actions within the body. In a broader term, it is the social, economic, cultural, psychological implications of food and eating (deals with all aspects of food) Food choices-people decide what to eat, when to eat, and even whether to eat in highly personal ways. Involves: taste preferences, habit, tradition, social interactions, availability, convenience, economy, positive/negative associations, emotions, values, body weight/image, health benefits. Requires to have a nutritionally balanced diet ethnic foods: food part of particular cultural groups functional foods: food that has physiologically active compounds that provide health benefits beyond their nutrient contributions designer foods. Nutrients: are chemical substances obtained from food & used in the body to provide energy, structural materials, and regulating agents to support growth, maintenance, and tissues repair. *non-essential nutrients are the ones that can already be synthesized in the body. Carb & protein has the same 4kcal/g and fat has 9kcal/g.