HSS 2342 Midterm: Nutrition Midterm Notes

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Hss2342 - lecture 1 - overview of nutrition. Nutrition - the science of foods and the nutrients they contain, and of their actions within the body includes the social, economic, cultural and psychological implications of food and eating. Sugar, salt, and fats all widely shared preferences. Genetics may influence taste perceptions and therefore food likes and dislikes. Hormones of pregnancy seem to influence food cravings and aversions. People tend to prefer foods they grew up eating. Meals often social events, sharing food is part of hospitality (regardless of hunger signals) People often eat foods that are accessible, quick, and easy to prepare, and within their financial means. People tend to like particular foods associated with happy occasions (birthday parties, ball games) People develop aversions and dislike foods they ate when they felt sick or that they were forced to eat as a child.