[CMN2181] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (42 pages long)

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CMN 2181 Full Course Notes
CMN 2181 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Challenges of living in a global society and understanding communication. Marshall mcluhan"s global village - to describe communication technology brining news and information to the most remote parts of the world. Globalists - view development as inevitable and that it cannot be resisted by humans. Traditionalists - regional belief rather than global, idea of nation-states. Transformationalists (middle view) - globalization is a shift but there is room for other national/ local agencies to exist. Increased intercultural encounters create opportunities of understanding and possibilities of misunderstanding. International expansion, diverse workforce, and understanding cultural tensions from economic transformations. Migrants move to host country for work or study. Migration from region to region (locally) also impacts change of culture regionally and internationally. Multiculturalism - describes a society of diverse cultures and refers to a society"s tolerance/ acceptance of cultural diversity. Communication between individuals of diverse cultural backgrounds. Communication between individuals of the same/similar backgrounds. Comparison between different cultures and cultural groups (bigger scale)