CMN 2130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Impression Management, Bloating, Storge

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You will use both verbal and non verbal language to communicate your meaning: receiving: the recipient physically receives your message, decoding: the receiver translates what has been seen or heard, they gain a personal understanding of each message. Strategies to maximize understanding: closing the loop, effective communicators try to discover the true meaning and motivation of messages. This is achieved through one of the following types of feedback: interpretive: rephrases the senders message in the receivers own words, supportive: feedback given in an attempt to assist, eraser or encourage the sender. !1: probing: tries to gain additional information or clarity, understanding: attempts to discover the complete meaning of a person"s message, advantages, reduces potential for conflict, strengthens relationship with receivers, overcoming barriers. Types of barriers: time, noise, language, psychological and relational, mirroring vs. How to grow beyond attachment issues: know your attachment style, therapists. !3: seek out partners with secure attachment styles.