CMN 2130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Speaker Types, Collectivism, Prejudice

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Document Summary

The communication process: communication model where there are 2 two-way channels, each communicator sends, receives, and assigns meaning to the message, there is noise in each environment. Insights from the communication model: sending and receiving are usually simultaneous, meanings exist in and among people, environments affect communication, noise affects communication2, channels make a difference. Communication principles: transactional, irreversible, and unrepeatable, intentional or unintentional, has a content and a relational dimension. Computer-mediated communication: media richness describes the amount and type of information conveyed through a communication channel, synchronicity represents how the communication takes place between communicators, permanence is how long the message endures. Culture: the language, values, beliefs, traditions, and customs people share and learn , in-groups: groups with which we identify, out-groups: those we view as different. How the self-concept develops: reflected appraisal, significant other: a person whose evaluations are especially influential, social comparison, reference groups: people we use to evaluate our own characteristics.