CMN 1148 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Albert Mehrabian, Doublespeak, Cortisol

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Laptops in the classroom: understanding, remembering, responding. Know the relationship between listening and relationship development: intimacy, trust, self-disclosure. Role of listening in sales, healthcare, restaurants. Effective listening: cognitive complexity, silence in communication, non-verbal cues (know examples of non-verbal cues that express active listening, asking questions, paraphrasing/summarizing. Language is a symbol: triangle of meaning. Language is rule bound: all the content on slide 9. Language evolution: research on like as a quotative. Language allows us to construct and name the world: denotative vs. connotative. Language brings us together or separates us: convergence vs divergence. Barriers to effective verbal communication: bafflegab. Dr. fox hypothesis: equivocality, euphemism and double speak, language misuse, static evolution. Definition of nonverbal communication: speaking with our hands, semaphore. Affect displays: paul ekman and wallace friesen, 6 universal emotions. Nonverbal communication when lying: paul seager"s research. The importance of listening: affects productivity, builds trust, essential to learning, etc.