BIO3334- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 141 pages long!)

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Use to be grouped by how they move cilia, flagella, ext. Hard bc one transitioned from flagella to amoeboid. Assumed flagella and amoeboid must be closely related. Did not support what we were doing. Decided mitochondria was the root of this organism. Looked at not structure of locomotion but the origin of locomotion. Centriole was key to origin of locomotion. Now 6 super groups not at all related to linneal classification. Easier to move water if more are working together (less water resistance) Organization of cytoplasm can be changes when using the actin molecules start liquid/ internal endoplasm. When bind together forms a more rigid ectoplasm cilia are not all uniform can be specified for different functions. Myonemes like muscle, but not bc protist. Ducts under strand of actin with myosin motor walking along ((((yo yo yo. Need to prevent water rushing in and causing them to explode.