BIO 3334 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Anthozoa, Pedal Disc, Scyphozoa

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Body morphology of the first cnidarian, its an autapomorphy for the phylum. These move and mix the contents of the cnidarian digestive system. This free-swimming stage in the scyphozoan life cycle matures into an adult medusa. Horizontal divisions of this stage of the scyphozoan life cycle make it resemble a stack of plates. In addition to the epitheliomuscular cells that cover the outer surface these cells are also found in the same cell layer. Like the trigger of a gun, this structure is responsible for firing the cnidarian"s cnidocyte. The jelly-like layer, remember it"s not a tissue, found between the inner and outer tissue layers of a cnidarian. Jellyfish is the common name given to animals in the cnidarian class. schyphozoa. Muscles are located on these structures inside the anthozoan gastrovascular cavity complete septa. These polyps in a hydrozoan colony are responsible for reproduction. gonads. Epitheliomuscular cells are found on this side of the cnidarian body wall. outside.