BIO 3303 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Comparative Physiology, Ecophysiology, Evolutionary Physiology

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Physiology: study of function of organisms as integrated systems of molecules, cells, tissues, and organs in normal and diseased states. How animals in different states maintain bodily functions. Comparative physiology: study of functional diversity among animals. How and why different species work differently or similarly. Aristotle 384 bc - father of natural history. First to design experiments to understand how to body works. Little limitations in that time (ie. no animal rights) 18th century - recognition that bodily functions are a combination of both physical and chemical processes. Studied the different physiological responses of animals (eg. fish swim bladders) Schmidt-nielson 1915-2007 - how animals live in extreme environments and their differences (eg. camels) George bartholomew 1923-2006 - founder of ecological physiology. The individual is the principle unit of natural selection. Developmental physiology - how does an organism change. Meet needs of the changing organism in a changing environment. Evolutionary physiology - different species managing in different environments.