BIO 3170 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cytosol, Dgcr8, Endonuclease

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Lo_regulatory rna: list the important characteristics of sirna, mirnas and lncrnas. Dicer, risc/ exogenous sirna are of exogenous sources. Risc/endogenous mirna are of endogenous sources( they are rna transcribed from the genome aka made in the cell) Rna interference: translation regulation and regulation of mrna stability. They are nor processed and are transcribe directly from the genome either in region from the coding genes or transcribed from introns encoding in the coding genes. >200 control of mrna splicing and translation, control of gene expression, chromatin remodelling. The rna-induced silencing complex, or risc, is a multiprotein complex, which incorporates one strand of a single-stranded rna (ssrna) fragment, microrna (mirna), or small interfering rna (sirna). The single strand acts as a template for risc to recognize complementary messenger rna (mrna) transcript. Once found, one of the proteins in risc, called argonaute, activates and cleaves the mrna.