BIO 3124 Study Guide - Final Guide: Immunofluorescence, Microorganism, Succinic Acid

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A stain can either be positive or negative. Positive means that the stain has stained the bacteria and not the background, while a negative stain is used to stain everything but the bacteria. This shrinkage means that when the electrostatic interactions are broken the stain is trapped. The lps protects the cell wall from dehydration, and does(cid:374)"t allo(cid:449) the (cid:272)ell (cid:449)all to shri(cid:374)k, (cid:373)ea(cid:374)i(cid:374)g the stai(cid:374) is allo(cid:449)ed to escape: staining with safarin, counter stain, will attach to the plasma membrane of all bacteria. Classified as gram positive because they capture the stain. Spore staining: permeablization of spore with heat, wash with malachite green, allow spores to cool, wash, once cooled, only the spores will trap the stain (green, counterstain with safarin to stain the vegetative cells. Vital staining determine if cells are alive or dead : made possible through a combination of stains. Sytox green and dapi: styox green.