BIO 3102 Study Guide - Divergent Evolution, Comparative Anatomy, Multicellular Organism

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14 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Convergent evolution --> homoplasy --> similar traits/functions yet different ancestor --> Analogous traits ---> different organisms adapting to their environments in similar ways (different to similar) Divergent evolution --> homology --> species share a common ancestor --> share similar traits that have evolved in variations depending on their environment ---> Sand (silica) the building block for many devices (tools) that have lead to great scientific advancement/discovery/evolution. There are 4 distinct ages of sand: telescope (1608): sand ground to form glass and make lenses that allow us to look into the distance and observe the universe and the planets in our solar system. Mathematical models of biological systems, ecosystem structures, unraveling the evolutionary history of organisms is now possible: fiber optics (1980"s): transmission of huge amounts of date, scientists can work together on global scale problems. A trait or an organ that appears similar in two unrelated organisms.