BIO 2135 Study Guide - Final Guide: Aortic Arches, Chondrichthyes, Undulatory Locomotion

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2: fish is any swimming or water bound vertebrate, 3 main autapomorphy with the vertebrates, permanence of the neural crest cells on the surface of the neural tube and their migration to the rest of the body. With these crest cells one set sinks into the neural tube they are called placiods. The placiods drive the development brains 3 main parts. Hindbrain- associated w balance and vibration sensation: the neural crest cells are important in neural development, brain is encased in a cranium. Some early ishes don"t have them so unsure which comes irst- cranium or vertebrate: the acraniate ish. Have made a reduction in the axial skeleton. The skekeon runs down the length of the organism and it replaces the notochord with vertebrate down the length. Part of the skeleton is what will become the brain case. Thy do not have a cranium: craniata. They are subject to the forces of compression in the water.