BIO 2135 Quiz: Protozoans Keywords

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9+2 organization: a bundle of nine fused pairs of microtubule doublets surrounding two central single microtubules. The so-called9+2 structure is characteristic of the core of the eukaryotic flagellum. This organization is found in the flagellum or cilia of undulipods. Actin: a globular protein that forms microfilaments in all eukaryotic cells. Myosin motor undergoes a atp driven conformational change, and reacts with the actin fibre, causing a multidirectional form of movement for amoebas. Actin is polymerized when turning endoplasm into ectoplasm, and hydrolyzed when turning ectoplasm into endoplasm. Forms microfilaments which is a major component of the cytoskeleton. Highly toxic if you let it build up to a certain concentration in your body. Amoebozoa: subgroup of the protist supergroup unikonts use pseudopods to move. Amoeba have two types of cytoplasm: endoplasm and ectoplasm. To move forward, the endoplasm moves forward towards the front end of the ectoplasm within the amoeba.