BIO2110- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 132 pages long!)

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Tas will respond to emails only 9am-5pm monday to friday. He plans a balance between passive and active learning. Group of 6 presentation and hand in a thing. Midterm (block1) feb 16 = understanding concepts 25% Eg emerging contaminants, personal care products, pesticides, obesogens, pharmaceuticals. Walk around look at everyones stuff, will be on exam and report. Own final conclusions on similarities and differences between groups. Life on the earth is a chronicle of the production and utilization of oxygen. Still some life, like the archaea, anaerobic, original extremophiles. Purple protein allows for photo energy use by using light to change gradient, eg like eye retina cells. Can fix carbon from atmosphere like from co2. Theories like primordial soup and the meteorite one. Primordial soup shocked with energy a lot like in early earth days, lots of energy. No o2, but abundance of inorganic and organic substrates in atmosphere. Deposits of iron oxide in lakes and oceans.