BIO 1140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Creb, Acetyl-Coa, Adenylyl Cyclase

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Describe and differentiate the two cell-death mechanisms and explain the role of mitochondria and calcium in each. The size of the organ or organism depends on the overall cell mass, this meaning the cell number be controlled. Cells need to die so that certain diseases do not overspread and invade an area to create a tumour; they also die when their duties and tasks are complete. Certain cells have uses at different times in a person"s life, dying when they are not used. Cells can either grow in size, divide or die, and it is important to regulate that, the size of an organ or tissue depends on the total cell mass. There must be cell communication in order to exercise the control on determining whether a cell will grow, divide or die. Direct cell signalling in the gap junctions allows for communication between two or more cells.