BIO 1140 Study Guide - Final Guide: Amoeba Proteus, Spindle Apparatus, G1 Phase

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Amoeba proteus: single celled eukaryotic protist, uninucleate, approx 600um, amoebozoa group, continuously changing shape, uses pseudopodia for moving and eating, sensitive to light and heat, hyaline ectoplasm, granular endoplasm. + cytoplasm are correctly divided out: 2n 4n 2x(2n, cell cycle composed of m phase (mitosis + cytokinesis) + Interphase (g1 (+/- g0) + s + g2) Kinetochore = links chromosome to mitotic spindle: g2 protein synthesis + production of structures needed for mitosis like spindle bers shortest stage, g0. Some cells may leave the cell cycle and enter this phase - cell cycle arrest. May be permanent or temporary (eventually return to g1) withdrawal from cell cycle. *some cells stop dividing once their growth and differentiation is complete = cns + muscle cells* Picture: chromosomes shorten and thicken, each consists of 2 chromatids joined at the centromere region (each chromatid contains identical info, microtubules of cytoskeleton disassemble into tubulin subunits.