BIO 1130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Evolutionary Taxonomy, Systema Naturae, Beagle

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Analogy, bicarbonate, biogeography, carbon cycle, carbonate, carbonate salts, catastrophic theory, cell theory, common ancestry, Comparative biology, constancy of species, continental drift, convergent evolution, cuvier (georges), darwin (charles), darwin (erasmus), descent with modification, divergent evolution, evolutionary taxonomy, extinction, fitness, fossil record, germ theory, Historical narrative, homology, homoplasy, lamarck (jean-baptiste), leclerc (george-louis - buffon), lyell (charles), mendel (gregor), natural selection, natural taxonomy, pasteur (louis), plate tectonics, rock cycle, schleiden and schwann, special creation, Wonders if everything arrived at once why would you make so many variations. He proposes that when these organisms arrived there was only one organism in the garden of eden and then they dispesrse and adapt to other environments and their essence gets modified and therfore they took on different morphologies. He showed us that geography affects and can change organisms. Essential transformation is a slow change in essence.