BIO 1130 Study Guide - Electron Acceptor, Gram Staining, Horizontal Gene Transfer

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Known as extremophiles; for growth in anaerobic, hypersaline and high-temperature habitats. Also found in marine arctic temperature and tropical waters survive under strange conditions. They strive in harsh climates and extreme conditions (hydrothermal vents, volcanoes, Bacteria were along the first life forms on earth. High adaptable, reproduce quickly, high capacity of spontaneous mutation. Bacteria haven"t changed from their fossilized ancestors, still not sure if luca belonged to bacteria or archea. When bacteria was first identified, names were given (believed we shouldn"t have done that) > e coli can exist in different forms, found in our digestive tract started to give new names (if had prehistoric name then they were kept) >ex: e coli 0157h7, named after their biological fingerprints of bacteria. 0157h7: 0 represents the cell wall and h represents the flagellum. Unaware in the beginning so organized them with morphology, now can identify with chemical composition consists of filament, a hook, and a basal body.