BIO 1130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Thomas Robert Malthus, Dugong, Arithmetic Progression

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Inductive reasoning: generalisation based on an observation. All scientific inquiry starts with one or multiple observations. Pred: if i taste all kinds of oranges, then they will always be sweet. Test: tasting all kinds of oranges (travel to madagascar) your own work, offer an alternative. Skepticism: honest skepticism on facts and hypothesis, question other people and. Realism: look at nature for what it is, the realm of ideas does not have priority of. Rationality: logic, science done through coherent steps. Methodological materialism: all that is experimentally accessible in the real world the real world is material or has a material origin. In 1837, we find in darwin"s notes the first mention that species resemble themselves because they share a common ancestor (and not a common environment). Rejects fixity of species and accepts the concept of descent with modifications (evolution). It is a very materialistic vision, thus in contradiction to the religious dogma of the time.