BIO 1130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Devonian, Stratum Corneum, Dikaryon

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Ca m b ria n a n d ord ivic ia n. As ym m e tric b o d y p la n: body plan of most sponges, left and right halves are not symmetrical to each other. De fin itio n: major phylum of sessile (immobile) aquatic invertebrates occurring in colonies, have hardened exoskeletons. Ca m b ria n s wim m e rs. Animals who eat other animals as their only source of food. Ce p h a liza tio n evolution of a distinct anterior region of the body, the head, with specialized sensory structures due to bilateral symmetry and the presence of mesoderm (muscle; directed movement and locomotion) Ce p h a lo p o d. Ch o a n o d e rm layer of choanocytes which constantly beats water out of the sponge and traps food by phagocytosis. Ch o a n o fla g e lla te.