BIO 1130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Irish Elk, Catastrophe Theory, Biogeography

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Al dinawari: 826-896 he added to theophrastus" book of botany. Known as the arabic father of botany and he was renowned in various fields of astronomy, science, mechanics ect. Book still used till 18th and 19th century. Published all his findings for others to learn from. Used the same scientific method as used today. Was an arabic prose writer and author of works of literature, mu"tazili theology, and politico-religious polemics. Aristotle: created the scala natura or ladder of life. Tried to find a pattern between all the new organisms found around the world in a way that makes sense. Felt the most supreme and perfect organism after the gods was man. Cuvier (georges: naturalist who found the first fossil of an extinct species (mammoths). He wrote a paper about extinction, and believed that it was due to a catastrophe that destroyed a mass amount of species, yet some stayed noah"s flood.