APA 2111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Learning Theory, Attitude Change, Knowledge Base

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To come between as to prevent or alter . Research that seeks to intentionally change desired outcomes. Generic stages of interventions: stage 1: content, planning and prep, choosing specific objectives, finding a target population, theoretical foundation, stage 2: process. Who will deliver the intervention: stage 3: product, assses and elevate the intervention, measurable and observable outcomes, planned and unplanned outcomes, assessing intervention effectiveness. Interventions are classified based on the type of approach they require. Theories specify relations across a number of scientific constructs. Attempts to explain phenomena across a number of times, contexts, and people. Used to carry out, assess and evaluate interventions in a systematic fashion. Theories help carry out interventions in a systematic fashion. Behavior change is expected to be maximized when environments and policies healthful choices, when social norms and social support motivated and educated - sallis et al. (2015, p. 466) Core principles of interventions: multiple influences on specific health behaviors, including factors at different levels.