ANP 1107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Inferior Thyroid Artery, Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone, Basal Metabolic Rate

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2. 5 list the various hepatic functions associated with metabolism. Summary of metabolic functions of the liver: page 937. Stores glucose as glycogen when blood glucose level ^; glycogenolysis + release glucose to blood. Gluconeogenesis (convert amino acid + glycerol;fat+protein to glucose when glycogen stores exhausted + blood glucose level low. Although most cells are capable of some fat metabolism, liver bears the major responsibility. Without liver metabolism of proteins, severe survival problems ensue: many essential clotting proteins would not be made & ammonia would not be disposed of, for ex. Forms lipoproteins for fatty acids, fats & cholesterol transport in blood. Synthesize cholester from acetyl coa; catabolize to bile salt. Deaminate amino acid to convert to glucose or for atp synthesis. Major site generate non-essential amino acid by transamination. Stores vitamins d & b12 (1-4 m supply) Stores iron as ferritin; other iron bound to hemoglobin. Metabolize alcohol + drugs by inactivating & performs reactions resulting in changed activity; (activation)