ANP1106- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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Chapter 6 bone as a tissue, cartilage, shapes of bones, distinguish between compact, cartilage versus bone and how it can become bone. Chapter 6 (omit details on embryonic bone formation and fracture repair) Bone is a living dynamic tissue density and amount of roughening on bone or decreasing density when force is reduced or eliminated (ex. paralysis) (deposition versus resorption: 2) bone stores calcium resorbed and transferred to bloodstream. Calcium is important for release of neurotransmitters, if you don"t have lose bone tissue if you don"t have enough in your diet. Deposition if you are putting calcium phosphate salts into bone, stores to. Resorption you are taking the calcium out of bone. 1) support stand upright, have shape to body because of skeleton holding. 2) protection the skull for example holds the brain and can easily be. 3) anchorage and movement we can hold certain parts in position due to. 4) mineral storage calcium phosphate salts are deposited into bone.