[ANP1106] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 49 pages long Study Guide!

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Topic 3: anatomy of the skeletal system : bony tissues: Chapter 6 (omit details on embryonic bone formation & fracture repair): bones & skeletal tissues. Functions of bone: support, protection, movement, mineral storage, blood cell formation, fat storage, hormone production: maintain cartilage. 3. 1: compare the structure of bony tissues and cartilages. Types of cartilage: hyaline cartilage: most abundant; firm support + pliability; lots of collagen; appears glassy blue- white; chondrocytes - only 1-10% of volume. Loc: embryonic skeleton, ends of long bones (epiphyseal plates in growing children), costal cartilages of ribs, cartilages of nose, trachea, larynx. Fcn: supports & reinforces; resilient cushioning & resists compressive stress: elastic cartilage: like hyaline cartilage, but more elastic fibers. Fcn: maintains shape while giving lots of flexibility: fibrocartilage: rows of chondrocytes alternating with rows of thick collagen fibers; structural intermediate between hyaline cartilage & dense regular ct.