ANP 1105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Great Cardiac Vein, Abo Blood Group System, Femoral Artery

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Also called involuntary nervous system or general visceral motor system. Is a system of motor neurons that: innervates smooth & cardiac muscles & glands, make adjustments (to ensure optimal support for body activities), operates via subconscious control. Sns- motor neuron cell body in cns (its thick, myelinated, group a fibers that conduct nerve impulses quickly & extend in spinal/cranial nerve to skeletal muscle) (does not contain ganglia) Ans- uses 2-neuron chain pathway: preganglionic neuron (in cns) has thin, lightly myelinated preganglionic axon, postganglionic (ganglionic) neuron in autonomic ganglion (ganglia=motor ganglia, outside cns) has nonmyelinated postganglionic axon that extends to effector organ. Sns- all somatic motor neurons release ach (acetylcholine) (has excitatory/stimulatory effect) Ans- preganglionic fibers release ach, postganglionic fibers release norepinephrine (effects either excitatory or inhibitory, depends on receptor type) Duel innervation- all visceral organs served by both divisions, but cause opposite effects (maintains homeostasis)