BUSI 2311U Study Guide - Final Guide: Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, Machiavellianism

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The capacity to have an effect on someone"s character, behavior or development, weather or not these are successful. You can influence someone to try a new drug by talking about its benefit rather than side effect. Ten techniques that can be used to influence: key word- desired outcome (basically the reason to influence is to get something in favor of your outcome) Using logical arguments and facts to persuade someone or more others that a desired result will occur. E. g according to salary surveys, i should get a raise because people in other companies doing the same job are getting paid more. Provoking interest of other by appealing to target"s personal values and beliefs. E. g- since you mentioned in the interview you would like a coffee machine, because it keeps you productive, i will gift you one. Basically making it easier for someone to agree to a request.