RSS2081 Study Guide - Health Belief Model, Motivation, Social Cognitive Theory

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Susceptibility to disease ( risk of, currently diagnosed ) Ability to perform activates of daily living (personal hygiene, dressing, housework, etc. ) Ability to effective and appropriately express emotion. Role indivuals play in preserving environment ( protecting, improving) Understanding of the world and your role in it. Knowing who we are and our specific purpose. Not religion( religion is spiritual but not all spirituality is not religion) Income and social status: education and literacy (health education, employment and working conditions, social support networks, social environments, physical environments, personal health practices and coping skills, healthy child development, health services, biology and genetic endowment, gender, culture. One"s belief in one"s ability to succeed in specific situations. Intention results from our attitude toward an action and our beliefs about what others may want us to do. Based upon: prior success, psychological states, outside sources of persuasion. Thought to predict effort put into changing behaviour.