PSYC 308 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fear, Polling Place, Classical Conditioning

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That attitude changes to fit behaviour is a focus of __________ theory: balance incentive b. c. learning, dissonance, attribution. Pete is aware of the health risks associated with smoking. However, he continues to smoke because he has concluded that smoking helps him to avoid overeating. His reasoning in this situation is an example of: pre-decision dissonance b. c, denial, overvaluing a decision reducing dissonance increasing dissonance. Tomas is having a problem deciding whether to attend a university where he has been awarded a scholarship or play major league baseball where he has been given an attractive offer. Luke is: a. b. c: experiencing pre-decision cognitive dissonance e. in a serious conflict in a dissonant state in a trap in a regret phase. Page: 119: having bought a microwave oven instead of a video cassette recorder, mike is now undervaluing the choice of the microwave.