POLI 101 Study Guide - Aboriginal Peoples In Canada, English Civil War, Maritime Rights Movement

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14 Apr 2014

Document Summary

In considering who we are, we must realize there is always an opposite (boy-girl, white-nonwhite). Our identity helps us decide what is important and what is not, and helps us make sense of the world. It is not always politically relevant or noticeable becomes noticeable when contrasted with another identity. There is no universal human identity identities are formed based on experiences and there is no meaningful identity as just a. Human being. all groups are inherently exclusionary (although not on purpose), as they all imply an opposite (i. e. women excludes man). Geography is important in identity; its difficult to feel solidarity with someone who is geographically far away. Usually, those who are closer overshadow those who are far away our identities focus on the local, day-to-day encounters, and the nation. As membership in an identity gets bigger, the personal value of that identity tends to decrease.