EOSC 118 Study Guide - Great Dyke, Noble Metal, Sluice

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Of the following methods of mining, which is most cost intensive: placer, underground, strip, open pit, artisanal, underground. The diavik diamond mine is an example of ______: an open pit operation, an open pit and underground operation, an underground operation, a deposit undergoing feasibility. What are canada"s top two mineral commodities by value: potash and nickel, nickel and gold, potash and diamonds, gold and diamonds, sulfur and zinc. What is the core responsibility of the bc geological survey: mining of ore deposits, financing young exploration projects, development of advanced exploration projects, reclamation of old mining sites, conducting geoscience. Which of the following is not a common use of gold: currency, jewellery, dentistry, electronics, food. Approximately how many tonnes of gold are mined yearly on a global scale: 1, 2500, 1000, 10000, 25. Which of the following is not a type of lode gold deposit: intrusion-related, orogenic, mesothermal, kimberlite, epithermal.