EOSC 118 Study Guide - Platinum Group, Hydrothermal Circulation, Archean

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Utah, largest is in chile: the crushing is done underground, yes, malleable, low harndess, conductive, high reflectivity, metallic lustre, dentistry, electronics, medical field, catalytic converters, china, south africa, australia, and the united states, lode gold deposits, 80% What is gold used for other than jewellery? (15%) Who are the top 4 producers of gold? (45%) What are the most important gold deposits in. How much comes from lode gold deposits in canada: mesothermal (aka orogenic), intrusion-related, and epithermal, depths: 5-10k where 84% comes from form in lower portion of crust, come up towards and add heat to fluids. arc-continental collision, 2-7km. 15%half the canadian deposits of this type occur in very old. Shield: form at >1. 5km, (orogenic lode gold typ), led by the. Ontario and quebec: 14 parts gold to 10 parts alloy. How do you make 14 karat gold: it is most commonly undertaken on high value materials, such as diamonds and gold.